Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School is a school that was founded by Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Not only does it focuses on making their students excel academically but it only also works on building their student’s character which is essential for the future.
Labschool has seven basic values, five life long guidelines that are practiced in every day life. Seven Basic values of Labschool consists of devoted, integrity, motivation, unified personality, noble character,self governance, high intellectual potential. In Labschool the seven basic values are recited at the beginning of every learning activity. While on the other hand five lifelong guidelines include personal best, trustworthiness, active listening, no put down, truthfulness.
Labschool gives out awards in the form of Labstars that awarded to students you have achievements in both academic and non academic areas.
On Monday Labschool students have a flag ceremony that is used to increase student’s discipline. On Thursday muslim students of Labschool Kebayoran recite the holy Quran while students with different religions go to a separate room where they pray according to their own belief. Last but not least, on Friday at a quarter to six Labschool students do a morning jog that is used to keep healthy and increase stamina.
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